Ferment (verb) : (उत्तेजित करना) : agitation and excitement among a group of people
The highest court was in a state of ferment.
Dissension (noun) : (मतभेद) : disagreement that leads to discord
The SC has exposed an unprecedented level of dissension.
Convene (verb) : (बुलाना) : bring together for a meeting
The Chief Justice must convene a meeting of the full court.
Ominous (adjective) : (अमंगल) : giving the worrying impression
A suggestion that is being read by some as an ominous reference to an unknown external hand.
Delineate (verb) : (रूपरेखा प्रस्तुत करना) : describe precisely
The judge delineated the composition of the bench to hear the case.
Rift (noun) : (दोष) : a flaw, fault
It is a great misfortune that an internal rift has moved inexorably towards a full-blown crisis.
Turmoil (noun) : (शोरगुल) : uncertainty
There was widespread turmoil in the city.
Inexorably (adverb) : (क्रूरता या कठोरता से) : in a way that is impossible to stop or prevent
The public is enraged by the inexorable rise in petroleum prices.
Posterity (noun) : (भावी पीढ़ी) : all future generation of people
This incident is regarded by posterity as an aberration rather than a precedent.
Introspection (noun) : (अंतर्दर्शन) : the examination of one’s own mental processes.
It is a moment for collective introspection.
Condusive (Adj) - अनुकूल
The Supreme Court has chosen a path most conducive to social harmony in Ayodhya verdict.
Litigant (Noun) - मुक़दमेबाज़
To compensate the Muslim litigants, the court has asked for the allotment of a five-acre plot of land in Ayodhya.
Consolation - सांत्वना
Apex court order is more of moral consolation by way of a political compromise
Adjudication - न्यायिक निर्णय
SC verdict is less of adjudication.
Discomfiture (noun) - पराजय
The final award will always be a source of discomfiture.
Closure (noun) - घेरा / बन्द होना
The final award will always be a source of discomfiture for those to whom closure goes beyond ensuring peace in a communally polarised environment.
Venture - उद्यम
Judiciary has ventured to give legal burial to a prolonged dispute.
Revanchist - One who advocates or fights for the recovery of lost territory or status
Revanchist forces in the country have fatigued their secular adversaries (विरोधी) into passive acquiescence (निष्क्रियता).