Consensus (noun) - आम सहमति
There is a gradually growing consensus among the general public that the current regime has failed in delivering on its promises.
Cognizant (adjective) - जानकार
She is cognizant of her responsibilities as the sales head of the organisation.
Modalities (noun) - तौर-तरीके
The bureaucrats are the persons who work out the modalities after an agreement is signed by countries on an international forum.
Contours (noun) - रूप-रेखा
She traced the contours of his face with her finger.
Predicament (noun) - कठिन परिस्थिति
The century-old club’s financial predicament is not a sudden one as the signs of the same were evident even a decade ago.
Unanimously (adverb) - सर्वसम्मति से
The standing committee has decided to pass the bill unanimously after a marathon round of discussion.
Unravelled (verb) - सुलझाया
The police are attempting to unravel the cause of his death.
Mooted (verb) - raised a question or topic for discussion / made a suggestion regarding something
cheaper option to upgrade the railway link between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore has been mooted to the Malaysian government.
Subsume (verb) - एक नियम या वर्ग के अंतर्गत करना
Most of these phenomena can be subsumed into two broad categories mainly.
Abundant (adjective) - प्रचुर / existing or occurring in large amounts
Rainfall is more abundant in summer.
Virtuoso - गुणी / one who excels in the technique of an art
He's a real virtuoso in the kitchen.
Penance (noun) - तपस्या / प्रायश्चित
He had done public penance for those hasty words.
Hooliganism (noun) - उपद्रव / गुंडागर्दी
The party cadres (कार्यकर्ताओं) resorted to hooliganism when their demands were not met in the meeting by the government.
Notion (noun) - धारणा / विचार
His notion of being successful does not find any support from his family members
Presume (verb) - अनुमान लगाना
presume that the man had been escorted from the building safely.
Revelry (noun) - आनंदोत्सव
I called the police when my neighbours refused to settle down and end their revelry.
Ruse (noun) - trick, deception:(धोखा)
It was a ruse to bring him there.
Simpleton (noun) - मूर्ख
He is a simpleton boy and tries to make everybody around him laugh.
Libidinous ( adj) - lustful (कामुक)
The child should be kept away from libidinous movies.
Satanic (adj) - demonic (शैतान)
His father’s satanic remark stung deeply and brought the boy to tears.
Precipitate (adjective) - जल्दबाज़
must apologize for my staff – their actions were precipitate.
Denunciation (noun) - निंदा
His family members reacted in support of denunciation of his methods of achieving success in life.
Startling (adjective) - चौंकाने वाली
The startling discovery of new evidence in the murder case investigation has thrown new surprises to the police.
Cumbersome (adjective) - दुष्कर / कष्टकर
His prose (गद्य) can be cumbersome, to say the least
Foster (verb) - लालन-पालन करना
Maritza Morales has been a foster parent for over 10 years, typically to one girl at a time.